The Unheard Cries From the Health Field
The rapid changes in the Global Healthcare today, force most of the healthcare personnel to develop a system which seems more of task oriented, demand more administrative works than to develop love relationship among the staff as well as with their patients. It is not wonder why we are hearing people say often 'heartless healthcare'. In the other hand the care giver felt neglected by those who are in authority while they have to fulfill their task which is overload. They come to the end of their strength but who cares? All these things brought them to become more individualistic than as a team worker, more like machine than loving care. It leads to apathy, careless, and cold in relationship one another.
God designed a human nature for Himself but individuality corrupts that human nature for its own purposes. Dr. Chris Steyn wrote: "We realize that our Lord desires to use HCFI to address some of the deepest needs in the health field globally. Four pertinent points came to our attention: 'Heartless Healthcare'; 'Loveless Leadership'; 'Corrupt Stewardship'; 'Spiritual Death'. More than ever we were convinced that we need to grow mature multiplying leaders who practice integral healthcare throughout the health field. What is integral healthcare? It is the compassionate care of the entire healthcare needs of a human being - spirit, soul and body. We need to be a disciple-making movement in the health field which can be used of God to bring transformation - beginning in our own hearts."
Facing this need we want to raise the theme of the HCFI Regional Conference "The Unheard Cries from The Health Field". We are called to make a difference as the redeemed people of God.
Headline Topics:
1. The Unheard Cries from the Health Field - Nehemiah 1:3-4
2. Heartless Healthcare
3. Corrupt Stewardship
4. Spiritual Death
Workshop Topics:
1. International Saline - Alett Uittenbogaard
2. Integral Community Health - Dr. Martine Frisch
3. Alternative Medicine - Dr. Frederick Kellerman
4. Leadership in the Health Field - Jeff Russel
Thus we invite you to register now!