God has given all things into the hands of His son Jesus (John 3:35).
Therefore, the health field rightly belongs to Him! But the enemy has usurped it, so we, His children need to claim what rightfully belongs to Jesus Christ. We are called upon to stand in the gap through prayer for our workplace situation.
We aim to partner with you through equipping for effective intercession. At the 5th NPS, 65 healthcare workers from various hospitals and clinics nationwide accepted the urgent call to be intercessors and committed to help each other to fulfil such call. It is our passion that the health fields of our nation be blanketed with prayer until it becomes the Kingdom of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is with great pleasure to invite you to our 6th National Prayer Summit with the theme "Raising up an Army of Intercessors in the Health Field - Part 2".
Due to limited slots, deadline of registration is on November 6, 2015. You can fill up our online registration form on this link http://goo.gl/forms/LmxAk4itrd ,or a pdf version of the registration form can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxhBO5oGJQGnM1RRYjRLNUVtSTg. Payment instructions are included in both forms.