Recently, our beloved country experienced a great disaster prompting bewildered people to ask questions...
"If God is a God of Love, why did He allow all these calamities and disasters that brought so much anguish and pain to the people? Where is the God of Love?"
Yes, God is a God of Love but, He is also the God of Righteousness and Justice. God is a forgiving God, but He deals with sin. There will be consequences to come. We need a large deposit of the holy fear of the Lord in our hearts in preparation for the end times. Isaiah 26:9b says, "For [only] when Your judgments are in the earth will the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. “In wrath [earnestly] remember Love, Pity, and Mercy" - Habakkuk 3:2. The Lord’s heart is for the redemption of the lost. He disciplines, yet He also comforts immediately.
Many testimonies of God's Salvation, Healing and Restoration were shared and received by the victims of these tragedies. We in the healthcare have a tremendous opportunity to bring God's Life and Healing through His Compassionate Care for the poor, needy, sick and hurting survivors.
We can pray and rend Heaven for God's Mercy and Restoration of the affected lives. We can give our time and resources. We can go and serve those who have lost their loved ones, homes and livelihood. We are placed in the forefront of God's Redeeming Plan. The God of Love is at work in this end of the last days. Let's work together! The God of Love cares for the dying world, so we must do the same as His Ambassadors.
Thank you for being a part of PHCF work in praying, giving your time, support, and encouragement. Let us stand together this coming year to inspire and equip healthcare workers for Christ.